There is hereby established a Committee on Import Licensing composed of representatives from each of the Members. 特此设立进口许可程序委员会,由每一成员的代表组成。
Members recognize that automatic import licensing may be necessary whenever other appropriate procedures are not available. 各成员认识到,只要不能获得其他适当程序,自动进口许可程序即可能是必要的。
These goods shall also be notified to the Committee on import licensing; 这些货物也应通知进口许可程序委员会;
( iv) where practicable, import statistics ( i.e. value and/ or volume) with respect to the products subject to import licensing. (ⅳ)如可行,有关受进口许可管理产品的进口统计数字(即价值和/或数量)。
Non-automatic import licensing procedures are defined as import licensing not falling within the definition contained in paragraph 1 of Article 2. 非自动进口许可程序定义为不属第2条第1款定义范围的进口许可。
Import Licensing ( to be notified to the Committee on Import Licensing) 进口许可程序(向进口许可程序委员会作出通知)
Convinced that import licensing, particularly non-automatic import licensing, should be implemented in a transparent and predictable manner; 确信进口许可、特别是非自动进口许可,应以透明和可预测的方式实施;
Automatic import licensing is defined as import licensing where approval of the application is granted in all cases, and which is in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 2 ( a). 自动进口许可定义为在所有情况下均批准申请,且符合第2款(a)项规定的进口许可。
Liberalization of import licensing and exchange control 解除进口领证和外汇管制
Recognizing the usefulness of automatic import licensing for certain purposes and that such licensing should not be used to restrict trade; 认识到用于某些目的的自动进口许可的有用性,且此种许可不应用以限制贸易;
Notifications of changes in import licensing procedures shall indicate the elements mentioned above, if changes in such occur. 如上述要素发生变更,则应在关于进口许可程序变更的通知中予以说明。
Recognizing that the flow of international trade could be impeded by the inappropriate use of import licensing procedures; convinced that import licensing, particularly non-automatic import licensing, should be implemented in a transparent and predictable manner; 认识到进口许可的不适当使用可以阻碍国际贸易的流动;确信进口许可、特别是非自动进口许可,应以透明和可预测的方式实施;
Thailand said it would not cut tariffs on Malaysian cars until Malaysia ended a car import licensing system, which it has promised to phase out by 2010. 泰国表示,在马来西亚终止汽车进口许可制度前,泰国将不会降低马来西亚汽车的进口关税。马来西亚已承诺在2010年前逐步取消这一制度。
MOFTEC determined which products should be subject to import licensing according to the relevant provisions of the "Foreign Trade Law". 外经贸部依据《外贸法》的有关规定确定实行进口许可证管理的产品。
Recognizing the provisions of GATT 1994 as they apply to import licensing procedures; 认识到GATT1994的规定可适用于进口许可程序;
This report shall also provide the information listed in Article 3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures. 该报告还应提供《进口许可程序协定》第3条中所列信息。
In such cases, China shall promptly notify the Committee on import licensing of the exceptional circumstances requiring the shorter period of licence validity. 在此类情况下,中国应将要求缩短许可证有效期的例外情况迅速通知进口许可程序委员会。
Members undertake to complete the annual questionnaire on import licensing procedures promptly and in full. 各成员承诺迅速和全面地完成关于进口许可程序的年度问卷。
The rules for import licensing procedures shall be neutral in application and administered in a fair and equitable manner. 进口许可程序规则的实施应保持中性,并以公平、公正的方式进行管理。
The following provisions, in addition to those in paragraphs 1 through 11 of Article 1, shall apply to non-automatic import licensing procedures. 除第1条第1款至第11款的规定适用于非自动进口许可外,下列规定也适用于该程序。
China has also reduced the scope of goods under import licensing. 我国也积极展行了逐步削减进口管理商品的范围的义务。
Procedures for import licensing are mainly stipulated in Import licensing Procedure Agreement ( DLP). WID《进口许可程序协议》(几P)对进口许可的程序进行了规范。
With the development and perfection of multilateral trade system, traditional trade measures, such as tariffs, quotas, import licensing and so on, are more and more strictly limited. 随着多边贸易体制的不断发展和完善,关税、配额、许可证等传统的贸易手段受到了越来越严格的约束。
C. import licensing is a system of substantive and procedural rules. 第三,进口许可制度是实体规则和程序规则的统一体。
Import licensing has three features: A. import licensing is a kind of administrative licensing; 进口许可制度有三个法律特征:第一,进口许可属于行政许可的范畴,具有行政许可的法律特征;
Section Three studies the history and status quo of China import licensing system. 本文第三部分介绍了中国进口许可制度的历史与现状。
B. import licensing ( esp. non-automatic import licensing) functions as restricting import; 第二,进口许可(特别是非自动进口许可)作为货物贸易管理政策,往往具有限制进口的作用;
After China entered the WTO, the Chinese Import Licensing System should conform to WTO rules, including Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures, both substantially and procedurally. 入世后,我国的进口许可制度从实体到程序都应当符合WTO规则的要求,包括与《进口许可程序协议》的对接。
Import licensing can be classified in automatic and non-automatic import licensing, import licensing with quota and without quota, economic and social import licensing. 进口许可可分为自动进口许可与非自动进口许可、无配额的进口许可与有配额的进口许可、经济型进口许可与社会型进口许可三类。